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Elegant vases for interiors: how to embellish interiors with originality

A vase for interiors is a little world of its own. Polyhedric, multifunctional and an important element of interior design, it is often designed not only to “contain” but also to be a purely aesthetic furnishing object, created to astonish and to characterise your furniture. It is impossible to find a style where vases are necessary or, on the contrary, inappropriate. Decorative vases are a unicum in interior design: they suit both contemporary and ethno-chic styles, both urban and Mediterranean ones. The combination of aesthetic and functionality in the vases provides endless use possibilities. You can use them with fresh or artificial flowers in every season, with stones and shells for a maritime touch or you can fill them with led lights at Christmas. The vases for interiors have become unique pieces, little works of art which give sense to the emptiness they fill. 

Modern decorative vases for interiors: the shapes of design signed by L’Oca Nera

L’Oca Nera’s collection of elegant vases for interiors is designed to contain, of course, but also to decorate and astonish. Shapes and materials are combined in a harmonious dance where every element contributes to the creation of a complete, self-sufficient decoration.
We find:
High decorative vases for interiors 
Large vases for interiors
Spherical vases 

These items can be considered as “solitary” decorative elements which needn’t be filled. In this case, play with the accessories: combine frames, candlesticks, decorative spheres, centerpieces according to material or colours, and you will create a really unique design. If you want to use a vase for its original function, you just need to remember few simple rules:
Narrow, bottle-shaped, high elegant vases for interiors are perfect for artificial flowers, single flowers or branches
A cylindrical large vase for interiors, with wide mouth,  can be decorated with bunches of flowers with wide leaves or with flowers with thick stems
Round vases are perfect for large flowers and bouquets, for hortensia above all.

Design vases for plants for interiors: “material” voyages

Ceramic vases

The classic of everlasting elegance. Ceramic vases for interiors can characterize any interiors through their style. They are more perfect when imperfect: irregularities and roughness recall craft know how. And get straight to the heart.

Glass vases 

A thousand transparent shades. Nothing like glass can give brightness to a room, even when this material is contained in just one decorative object, like a vase. A magic of lights, colours and shades which evoke visual paths and suggestions.

Porcelain vases

Aristocratic beauty. Porcelain vases have the charm of old ages, full of beauty and harmony. This material speaks of art and it is nowadays used in unusual shapes and reliefs or in white pure porcelain version. It is pure white, like the snow. 
Whether you are looking for an elegant vase for interiors to fill or to use as decorative object, discover L’Oca Nera’s collection: be fascinated by the ageless beauty and the charm of our vases.

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